Friday, May 21, 2010

Geneticist Creates First Synthetic Cell.

I believe that this is the start of a great new idea, with bright future ahead.

Call him a mad scientist if you would but he was able to create the first cell from nothing! Craig Venter was able to build a bacterium from scratch, and after some time he implanted it in a cell. This is the first step to creating artificial life. He soon plans to start making organisms that can eat/destroy greenhouse gasses and make the rate of multiplying vaccines extremely more efficient, faster, and safer. This in turn would help thousands and possibly millions of lives because there are people that can’t afford the vaccines, and with this new technology it will lower the cost of them, and also it will help us save wildlife since it helps get rid of greenhouse gasses.

More info:

Friday, May 7, 2010

Northville Mental Asylum?

It was a sunny but wet Wednesday afternoon, when 3 children, named Gingy, Jimi, and Popo decided to have a big and mischievous adventure. First off they had to get their basic supplies:

Flashlight: For unlit rooms and blinding each other.

Knife: For cutting stuff and crazy hobos.

Water: Incase we get thirsty.

Cell phone: To stay in contact with the outside world.

Camera: To take pics of good times.

iPod: Incase we get a little bored.

Bicycle: To get there quicker than on foot.

Snacks: Specifically skittles, so we don’t get hungry.

Fresh Undies: In case you piss yourself.

After preparing themselves, they grabbed their bikes and met at Gingy’s house. It was between Jimi’s and Popo’s so it was perfect. After that they started pedaling and pedaling and pedaling and so on. As they neared a McDees they decided to grab some drinks, and lucky for them Popo has some money his mother gave him. After getting our pop we started riding more and more. 20 minutes later they arrived in some church parking lot, took their bikes and walked thru a neighborhood to get a grand tour of the Northville Mental Asylum.

As the kept walking and walking until they reached some woods, after that they had even more adventuring to do. They reached a narrow dirt road, but suddenly heard a Vroom sound, it was a Caterpillar backhoe, driving so they hid by fallen tree, And a quick spring into the building they were finally in, and they all were scared out of their wits….

Part 2 coming next time we do a free write blog.

Friday, April 30, 2010


SIMUN was probably one of the most fun filled school activities we have done all year, aside from gym class. I loved how we were pretty much on our own, we had to stand up for our own country and try to find allies on our own. Yes, we had mentors to help us with questions and thoughts but we had to say everything ourselves. My country, Venezuela, seemed to have nothing to do with the problem/scenario, but after a little more depth with my allies I was one of the main people in it. I liked how we were all with each other but against each other at the same time, we didn’t agree on some terms with people but had the same views on others. Some of us enjoyed how we were able to correct people and “shoot them down” to look good and get a good grade.

Specifically me, I mainly tried to defend my allies because in every scenario they were the villains. And as an ally I had to say anything to defend, even if it meant being the bad guy. I liked and enjoyed how we were allowed to kind of put others down and say things that we normally would say, and especially correct them (for me, I would never correct people with what they believe). The biggest advantage to it was preparing before it all started, Mrs. Berjeski had us do a lot do a lot of research, and in the end it did pay off. In the groups I could tell between who has had done the work and who hasn’t, when we started I already knew the history behind it, my allies, and whose fault it truly was. I also took advantage of the people who didn’t know who they were talking about. In one sad incident I took what the person said, changed the words, turned it around and made them look like a complete idiot. Sure it was mean but it was good, and I proved a point quicker than waiting for my turn on the speakers list.

Next year I would probably try to do even more research and try to talk more, even thought I knew what I was talking about, I still didn’t know who my allies were so I had to be extra careful. Evenually I understood everthing about it and it turned out AMAZING!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Taking Down Big Bird!

There I was, a cold October of 08', the day after my birth day to be exact. I just got my Red Ryder BB gun, with custom Red Tiger camo, with Holographic Sight and Heart Beat Sensor and my M93 Raffica with extended mags and tactical knife. The time was 21 hundred hours and I was getting dark, so I decided to switch scopes and pull out my Thermal Scope because the game was afoot! Someone told me of a legendary bird called “Big Bird”, and some even go to calling him a hacker! But I was destined to beat him, and I was going to until the end of my times.

Anyway back to the story, I had nothing to do that night because my Microsoft account got banned for 3 months because I prestige hacked. So after spending a few minutes in my barracks I decided to use Marathon Pro, Lightweight Pro, and Commando Pro. The perfect noob class, I could run forever without getting tired and be faster while I do and best part is that I won’t get hurt by falling from heights and have a large range of melee. After a while of walking around I started to get a bleep on my Heart Beat Sensor, I knew I was him! Or so it thought, after following it I got close, when I looked thought my Thermal Scope so if he wasn’t smart enough he would glow hot white. After looking around for a while I saw him, I pressed down Left Stick to hold my breath, and then I aimed and shot. HEADSHOT! Appeared at the top of my HUD! Yes, I have just unlocked Fall Camo! And I also got 2,000 extra XP (experience points). After I went to examine the body I realized that I wasn’t Big Bird, in fact it was Elmo, when I searched around it turned out that he was Smoking drugs behind a tree and he thought I was the police so he ran, so then that’s when I shot!

I had to dispose of the body immediately, so I quickly used a tactical insertion to re-spawn next to him and One Man Army, because someone reported a gunshot. After 15 second of waiting for the re-spawn timer to finish I quickly took out a C4 and planted it next to him, and backed away and pulled to trigger. I knew that the police would use UAV so I used coldblooded to hide, and after I disappeared I changed class but added a Suppressor, and yes, I did hack to have 3 attachments but I’m a nerd that way. I kept walking around when I heard something, and so I started to follow and I knew he was a wise little fellar, by using Ninja, so I couldn’t see him on my Heartbeat sensor. Anyways I kept following to footsteps then suddenly I froze in fear, around a corner I spotted to lasers of a Claymore, I quickly threw a flash grenade at it so I could pass without the big boom. After I threw I saw a nice big “+” on my HUD. I knew I just flashed someone! This was good I threw another but no sign of him, he was hiding.

I followed his big round footsteps until I realized that it wasn’t him, it was Oscar, the mean garbage dude that was feared for him amazing skills at sneaking around. I had to be careful, because he was also known for his notorious martyrdom. So after a while I decided to get a little close then I noticed bird tracks, and not just any Small Bird tracks but Big Bird tracks! Quickly I equipped marathon and started running for a few minutes until I saw a big bloop on my Heart Beat Sensor! This bloop was about four or five times bigger than any normal person’s! Suddenly he disappeared; he equipped Ninja pro and Coldblooded so I couldn’t find where he was! It was a smart move, for a noob. Just then I called in a Care Package and got an AC130, waited a little until I was sure where he was, then hid in a hollow tree and called it in. I knew I only had 30 seconds to use it so quickly I shot the big missile then pressed ▲ and switched to smaller missiles and then machine gun! With only five second left, I shot my big missile! Killed 24 enemy, but not big bird. After I return to my character I used predator missile. While on the way down I aimed to and enemies re-spawn spot. And got 2 more kills, finally a Nuke! Just before I was about to use it Big Bird toggled an Auto Bott and killed me with a throwing knife from across the map! Then after a 15 grueling seconds I re-spawned, then said toodoloo mothaf****! Then pressed the right button and activated nuke! That’s the story on how I absolutely pwned Big Bird with my Red Ryder BB gun!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

ROMANIA Accepting Plan for Basing Missiles

I know for a fact that basing a missile interecptor is a great idea!

Why do I know that its a good idea to base a antiballictic defense system in Romania is a great idea? Well, for starters it would protect the United States from incoming missiles from most countries for the middle east.  Without a doubt there is almost no stopping Iran from perfecting their nuclear program and creatign the devestating nuclear missiles even thought they say that they are creating it for power.  Lets say hypothetically the Talliban or Al-Queada get accest to the missiles, and we wounldnt have the defense system in Romania.  They would launch them at us guaranteed, and the bases in Poland or the Czech Republic would never be able to shoot the missile down. 

If I could make a suggestion, I would say to make the plan include missiles to shoot down long range missiles, othher wise it would be harder to get them, even thought oyu have a good chance to shoot em' down with the ones we currently are going to have.  Another suggestion I would have is to give Sweden or Finland a base because right now missiles for Russia wouldn't be able to be shot down with the current plan we have.  Yes, some might say that this would show the Russians that we don't trust them but like my mom says,  better safe than sorry.  And they already say missiles in Poland are already close enough to them but right now I personally think they arren't, since we wouldn't be able to shoot em' down. But thats my oppinion.

Romania's current president: Traian Băsescu

Sunday, January 24, 2010

What I Have Learned!

Well for beginners I have learned too much to only write a 5 paragraph paper. So I guess I am going to have to summarize what I have and haven’t learned…well it’s mostly what I have learned because there isn’t really anything that I haven’t learned that is associated with the 9th grade Global Education English class.
One of my favorite learning experiences has been writing the blogs or the 1 or 2 paragraph responses to articles or subjects we have learned about! Honestly my favorite learning experience would be Weights class but it’s too irrelevant to this class and this paper I have to write. When I first had to write the paragraph or two for the articles I read I was like “wow, only a paragraph? This is going to take a few seconds!” But I was dead wrong, on my first article it took me almost a whole hour to write on paragraph and I still had another, how could this be? Well first I had to write a 1 SENTECNE thesis (seems easy but your wrong), then choose a side (ex: if I thought Iran should have nuclear power [actually weapons but they wouldn’t admit it] and say what we should do), and after all that we had to find some sort of support or reason that took almost as much time as the first paragraph. Well now I could take almost any article and read it (for some I might need a little more knowledge than others) and within a few minutes make a thesis and have my choices and reasoning sorted out!

Let’s say Osama Bin Laden was captured and the citizens of the United States got to choose what the government does with him, and Mr. Fielder has us write a paper to our state legislature about what we want to happen, here is what I would write if I had the choice to either have him be killed or tortured for life. (Notice this is a shortened version of what I would write because I don’t have all hour to write one example)

Thesis: If I could choose from death or torture to a man that killed thousands of our own people I would choose torture.

Paragraph 1 + Support: Does anyone think a man that killed thousands of our own people deserve to die instantly by a bullet without any pain or to be hurt for the rest of his days for taking friends and family of others. Some might say that its inhumane to torture him, but what it humane to kill thousands and destroy a whole country’s economy system? On the 11th of September in 2001 he decided to hire two attackers and take a airliners into the twin towers, and kill all the people in the building, later on he released a tape saying it was his plan to do all that.

Sometimes I would article (not by choice, obviously!) and have NO idea what it’s about or what its point was, until the Great Mr. Fielder introduced me and the rest of the class to “margin noting” and the great Q.C.V.I. (Questions-Comments/Connections-Vocabulary-Interesting Ideas) technique. For a few weeks we just read random (actually very connected articles, but they seemed very different from each other) and would have to do little summaries for almost every paragraph, then after we were done with that we had to write 5 Questions we had, 5 Comments/Connections we made, find 5 or more words we didn’t know, and write 5 interesting ideas. Sometimes I would spend more time on the QCVIs than reading a 5 page article and doing margin noting, I was hard but it made me understand the first time I read something not the 5th.

I also learned that there was a mass genocide in Rwanda, while I didn’t even know there was a country named Rwanda! First off the teacher told us we had to learn about Rwanda that is located in Africa…ok, nothing big, this is school, we learn new things but this wasn’t new. The genocide has been going around for years and almost one million are dead because of it, and yet again there seemed to be no media coverage about it. In many was a I was shocked and kind of surprised that it’s been going on for so many years but I never knew about it, I mean if a dog in Asia gets hit by a famous person car it would get more coverage that this.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Would you rather?

Would you rather be kicked out of your land, killed for it, or both? Personally I would rather just be kicked out.

I would be a native in the United States during colonization rather than in South Africa, Rwanda, or Australia.
During the colonization of the United States, of the 18 hundreds, Native Americans where getting forced to move west, rather than being killed, or just getting kicked out and find your new homes all for yourself. They were just told to move west but with information on how to get there and suggestions on places to settle. Even though they were discriminated they were still allowed to learn to read and write, but they had to learn by themselves while in South Africa and Australia they were arrested if they tried to learn or teach others. And in Rwanda you were killed by the other culture (Hutu) just for being a Tutsi.  Or if you were a Hutu, you would have to kill you neighbor, friends, coworker, and to some extents your family!

Ok, that was just a little overview on where I would rether be, some have advantages and disatvantages to others, but for the place where I wouldn't like to be would be Rwanda, why?  Well first off I dont think I would enjoy killing people that I know or dont know with a Machette that cost my supplier about 10 cents.  The shiping of them was probably more expensive but as I was saying, just the thought of going up to someone, and plainly with not much reson cut off an arm or leg, then leave them to bleed and suffer for a few hours, then go back and take another arm and so on untill we run out of things to take or their die.  And from a differnet point of view would be to be a Tutsi, the people that ruled the Hutus for years and always had a higher standard of living, getting slaughtered by the Hutus.  I personally wouldn't enjoy having no where to run and my neighbor/fiends trying to kill me.  And to make matters worse, the United Nations werent doing anything because they had oreders for the "top" not to fire at enemy at all costs because it might start a all out war and/or a genocide...well first thing is that a few hundred thousand people have died (800 to be exact) and its still not considered genocide.