Friday, May 7, 2010

Northville Mental Asylum?

It was a sunny but wet Wednesday afternoon, when 3 children, named Gingy, Jimi, and Popo decided to have a big and mischievous adventure. First off they had to get their basic supplies:

Flashlight: For unlit rooms and blinding each other.

Knife: For cutting stuff and crazy hobos.

Water: Incase we get thirsty.

Cell phone: To stay in contact with the outside world.

Camera: To take pics of good times.

iPod: Incase we get a little bored.

Bicycle: To get there quicker than on foot.

Snacks: Specifically skittles, so we don’t get hungry.

Fresh Undies: In case you piss yourself.

After preparing themselves, they grabbed their bikes and met at Gingy’s house. It was between Jimi’s and Popo’s so it was perfect. After that they started pedaling and pedaling and pedaling and so on. As they neared a McDees they decided to grab some drinks, and lucky for them Popo has some money his mother gave him. After getting our pop we started riding more and more. 20 minutes later they arrived in some church parking lot, took their bikes and walked thru a neighborhood to get a grand tour of the Northville Mental Asylum.

As the kept walking and walking until they reached some woods, after that they had even more adventuring to do. They reached a narrow dirt road, but suddenly heard a Vroom sound, it was a Caterpillar backhoe, driving so they hid by fallen tree, And a quick spring into the building they were finally in, and they all were scared out of their wits….

Part 2 coming next time we do a free write blog.

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