Sunday, February 7, 2010

ROMANIA Accepting Plan for Basing Missiles

I know for a fact that basing a missile interecptor is a great idea!

Why do I know that its a good idea to base a antiballictic defense system in Romania is a great idea? Well, for starters it would protect the United States from incoming missiles from most countries for the middle east.  Without a doubt there is almost no stopping Iran from perfecting their nuclear program and creatign the devestating nuclear missiles even thought they say that they are creating it for power.  Lets say hypothetically the Talliban or Al-Queada get accest to the missiles, and we wounldnt have the defense system in Romania.  They would launch them at us guaranteed, and the bases in Poland or the Czech Republic would never be able to shoot the missile down. 

If I could make a suggestion, I would say to make the plan include missiles to shoot down long range missiles, othher wise it would be harder to get them, even thought oyu have a good chance to shoot em' down with the ones we currently are going to have.  Another suggestion I would have is to give Sweden or Finland a base because right now missiles for Russia wouldn't be able to be shot down with the current plan we have.  Yes, some might say that this would show the Russians that we don't trust them but like my mom says,  better safe than sorry.  And they already say missiles in Poland are already close enough to them but right now I personally think they arren't, since we wouldn't be able to shoot em' down. But thats my oppinion.

Romania's current president: Traian Băsescu

1 comment:

  1. Good work, it was very interesting i didn't know anything about that.
