Thursday, September 24, 2009

The ABC's of Dan Podina

A is for accomplished and authentic, which is what I am. I am one authentic and accomplished Romanian.

B is for Brilliant. Most people ting I’m not the brightest of the bunch but truth is deep down I know many more things.

C is for clever, and I am one clever person when it comes to getting into trouble.

D is for devilish and slightly dreamy. I will sometimes do things that most people would rather not do and somewhat I still dream of owning a Bugatti Veyron.

E is for elegant and eagle-eyed. I will notice something that most people will miss and of course how could I be a good Romanian unless I dress very elegant.

F is for fat and fortunate. I am fortunate that I’m in the United States. I’m not fat literally but sometimes I tend to like to be lazy and eat a lot of food.

H is for hopeful, I am always hopeful of most things even though I know I won’t get my mansion with a Maserati.

I is for independent and most the time I believe I would be able to survive most things by myself with no help.

J is for jolly and at Christmas time it seems like im Santa Claus because I’m so jolly.

K is for kid-like because I act like a kid most the time even thought I’ getting closer to becoming an adult.

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